According to an 9/30 MSNBC report Harrison is the most broke municipality in NJ. How does our superintendent of a designated Abbott district receive $340,000 a year from the town serving only 4000 students? Perhaps it's because he is also a town councilman (and appointed Hudson County Improvement Authority member, chairman of Harrison's Democratic Party, limited partner in a local real estate company), and along with three other school administrator/councilmen appoint the board of education commissioners. How does the Red Bulls stadium refuse to pay property taxes after already landing the town $39 million in debt from construction? How can the town use eminent domain to secure property only allow a developer to secure the same property at a fraction of it's value? Does it make sense that during noontime town meetings officials are changing redevelopment property planning from mixed use to residential, bringing in less revenue and employment while requiring more emergency services (of which the town is proposing to lay off)? If Governor Christie really plans to fix a broken NJ he should start by investigating the ethical misconduct and possible corruption taking place among Hudson county municipal officials. Fines from ethical violations can provide Christie's investigators with an incentive of earning 2% of fines and pensions upon conviction of a violation and returning the 98% to the municipal budget. This could pay for all of the emergency services we need.
Dan Kelly
Harrison Councilman 1996-2006
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