Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A plan for fiscal justice in Harrison

Harrison taxpayers, do you know where your taxes are going? Do you know what you're getting back? Why are we in so much debt that the Harrison Mayor and Council needed to borrow $3.1 million this December to pay off this debt? What is to be shown for getting into this much debt? Combined with the $3.1 million borrowed in 2006 the town has borrowed $6.2 million with no accountability. 

The Red Bulls stadium was built and still refuses to pay property taxes to the town. I have a solution: The governor should send in a team of hand picked professionals to operate on an incentive basis to investigate and evaluate corruption on the municipal and county levels. Any and all business transpired by our hired professionals, those in office and hired to have our fiscal best interest looked after, found to be unethical by NJ standards should be fined. The governor's team should collect 2% as a fee for their services and the remaining 98% should be returned to the municipal and county budgets. A starting point could be the councilmen who are approving budgets for their own paychecks, and the ones responsible for negotiating their contracts.

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