Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Who's watching the purse strings?

James Doran, the Superintendent of the Harrison school system received a bonus of $100K, bringing his salary to a whopping $350K+ because Harrison students are passing their state mandated tests. The Harrison school district is classified as an Abbott school district, requiring the state to send in millions of dollars a year to remedy the ailing schools. Doran, also a Councilman, voted for a budget of $9 million for the schools to come out of the pocket of taxpaying Harrison residents. Another Councilman, Francisco Nascimento, also voted for this increase while he holds the job of Principal for Washington Middle School in Harrison. The Harrison Board of Education is appointed by the council, where both of these officials hold office. Is this not a conflict of interest? I'd like to know who negotiates and approves these contracts that we're paying for. I want to get to the one person responsible. Is it Senator Menendez? Is it the Mayor, or the Governor? While taxpayers are losing homes and losing police and firemen protection how can we accept this? It is only fair for the authorities to answer for the transgressions being committed against the town.

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